Hypnotherapy in Leicester, East Midlands and Online
07515 932 378

Hypnotherapy in Leicester and Online
Pure Hypnosis is founded by Dimple Chauhan Dip.hyp, a fully qualified clinical hypnotherapist, mind coach and smoking cessation specialist, having gained her clinical hypnotherapy diploma from the Transformation School of Clinical Hypnosis in Nottingham. Dimple is a registered practitioner with the General Hypnotherapy Register and the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council, abiding by their code of conduct and best practices.
Dimple has helped clients to stop smoking and has a great passion to help people improve their mental health and feel great about themselves. She also has many years experience in weight management and exercise and also owns 4Eva Fitness and Dance, providing fitness classes to help people have fun and keep fit too.
Whether you need to beat a habit, reduce anxiety or start performing at your best, Pure Hypnosis can help. We offer sessions in and around Leicester, as well as online and we will have you seeing major improvements in no time. What are you waiting for? Book your first appointment today.
We are based in Leicester currently providing hypnotherapy sessions online and in-person. Contact us for a FREE no obligation chat or email us below.
Tel: 07515 932 378
Email: info@pure-hypnosis.co.uk